All You Need To Know About Dewatering Screw Press Machines

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Some applications, such as manure handling in nutrient management programs, call for separating solid particles or sediments from liquids such as water, a process known as dewatering. That is essential for numerous reasons, the most outstanding being minimizing waste volume, thereby making disposal more manageable. If your operations could benefit from such a process, you can exploit it by purchasing and using a dewatering screw press. Keep reading to discover more about this machine and its applications.

What Is a Dewatering Screw Press?

A dewatering screw press uses a screw to drive a ram up and down, squeezing a specific material against a filter or screen and facilitating the separation of solids and liquids. This apparatus has straightforward operation principles that perform astoundingly, especially on materials that are challenging to press, for instance, because their particles are closely packed together.

Common Applications of Dewatering Screw Presses

Dewatering screw presses and popularly used in:

1.       Food industries

A dewatering screw press has many uses in the food industry. You can use it in soybean meal preparation to extract oil. The same applies to squeezing fat out of canola, sunflower seeds, and peanuts. Moreover, you can use these devices to separate solids and water from waste streams. Then, if the solids involved are orange peels, sugar beet pulp, spent grain, and similar products, further processing converts them into safe and nutrient-packed animal feeds.

2.       Pulp and paper industries

Experts in the pulp and paper industries primarily use dewatering screw presses to squeeze specific amounts of water and solvent-carrying ink out of pulp and cellulose. Then, the resulting pulp material is used to make paper, while the dewatered cellulose fibers act as chemical filters. If you are a player in the pulp and paper sector, you can also use a screw press to eliminate the solids in the wastewater generated by your mills.

3.       Sewage disposal

Wastewater treatment and sludge disposal require you to use a dewatering screw press to separate water from sludge. The liquid obtained from the process is often reusable after treatment, while the solid materials may need disposal. That means if you want to help in environmental protection, you can start by maximizing wastewater use using a dewatering screw press. Moreover, the machine enables you to minimize the sludge volume demanding disposal, facilitating better use of landfills and other waste management systems.

Final Thoughts

Getting the best out of a dewatering screw press begins with finding the best device. That means searching for a dewatering screw press wholesaler with equipment having positive features like low energy consumption, high recovery rate, low noise and vibration levels, and minimal maintenance needs. When you acquire such a screw press, rest assured your industry and activities will benefit immensely from all dewatering processes. 

For more information about acquiring a dewatering screw press, reach out to a local dewater screw press seller.
