The Advantages Of Drip Irrigation For Your Agricultural Property
When you've made the decision to automate your irrigation in your fields, you may be wondering which type of irrigation system is the best solution. One of the options that you should consider is drip irrigation. While drip irrigation may not be ideal for those crops that need large amounts of water, you might find it to be a good choice when you have plants with lower water demands. Here's a look at a few of the things you should understand about drip irrigation systems and the benefits they have for your farm.
Less Soil Erosion
One of the leading causes of soil erosion, especially in agricultural environments, is heavy watering from overhead. It is harder to assess the amount of water that reaches the soil and excess water runs, flushing soil away with it. This disrupts your field structure and contributes to overall erosion issues, water flow problems, and even crop growth challenges. Drip irrigation focuses your watering efforts directly on the soil at the base of your crops and delivers that water slowly, so it has plenty of time to soak in instead of flushing away soil.
Reduced Runoff
Runoff is a serious concern in agricultural environments for many reasons. Not only is runoff lost water that provides no benefit to your crops, but it can also trap fertilizer, animal waste, chemicals, and other contaminants and draw them into the water table. When you use drip irrigation, the slow water delivery ensures that the bulk of your water soaks into the soil to reach the roots. That maximizes your water use, reduces waste and runoff, and even saves you money on excess watering costs.
No Leaf Scald Or Mold
When you water plants from above, as with standard irrigation systems, water droplets rest on the plant leaves. These water droplets magnify the sun's rays until they evaporate, which can cause sun scald on the leaves. If you water in the evenings to avoid the heat of the sun, this causes the leaves to stay wet longer, which can cause mold growth. The best option to avoid these problems is drip irrigation, where the water is targeted beneath the plants and never reaches the leaves.
These are some of the most important things to consider about drip irrigation before you choose the irrigation system for your property. The better prepared you are, the easier it is to have healthy, sustainable crops with minimal water waste.
For more information, contact a local company, like Waterford Irrigation Supply Inc.